What is likely to be our last livestream will air on Sunday, November 24...Livestream 154: "Searching for Light in the Darkness of Insanity." You can set a reminder for this show, or watch any of our previous livestreams on our YouTube Livestream playlist HERE.
"Headwinds" is the long-awaited, critically acclaimed new album from The Kennedys...their first studio album of all new originals in five years! Click image to go to ordering page.
Pete has generously gathered a wealth of knowledge from lessons he's had with guitar luminaries including Chet Akins, Doc Watson, Joe Pass, Tony Rice, Danny Gatton, James Burton and others, and has chosen to share this wisdom through a limited-edition CD. With just 100 copies in circulation, this invaluable collection is truly a treasure trove for any guitarist.
OUT NOW! (11/9/23) The 2nd installment of Pete's Floodwood Chronicles is here! The Wolf of Amalfi: The Further Adventures of Artemis Fletcher. Order your signed, 1st edition copy...Click image to go to ordering page.